Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts

Haandbryggeriet Humlesus

Pours a yellow cloudy body with a finger of white creamy foamy head on top. Aroma of lemon,

Wychwood Ginger Beard

Amber body, very thin white head. Smells a bit ginger and soap. The taste is only full of ginger and

Wychwood Goliath

Another awesome label by Wychwood. Pours an amber orange pale body with a very thin layer of

Wychwood Scarecrow

Golden body with a thin white bubby head. Aroma of some malt, some hops and a tiny hint of honey.

Goose Island India Pale Ale

Poured an orange-golden light body with a thick white head. Aromas of pine, citrus, lots of flowers.

Lervig Lucky Jack Brand

Golden orange, hazy body with a white head that left really fast. Aromas initially of lemon, grapefruit

Nøgne Ø Citrus Hystrix IPA

Cloudy body with a finger of lasting thick foam. Aroma of tangerine, fruit, citrus, some general hops and rye. Taste of oats, the spice of rye and full of tangerine. Lasting aftertaste, overcarbonated. 

SKA Nefarious Ten Pin Imperial Porter

Black body and nice brown head.

Southern Tier 2XIPA

Orange to yellow medium body with a nice foamy head.

Rogue Mocha Porter

Light mocha aroma

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA

Ι say: Orange copper body, nice white head. Aroma of caramel, citrus, pine. Same taste alltogether. Great mouthfeel and good carbonation.

Aroma 7/10 Taste 8/10 Palate 7/10

Petros says: Orange copper color with a thin white head. Aromas of sweet caramel, lots of flowers, some citrus, pine, grapefruit pineapple and some grass. Taste was the same, sweet notes in the start with lots of flowers and fruits in the beginning, leaving a bitter sticky feelling at the end. nice aftertaste. Medium body with low to medium carbonation.

Aroma 7/10 Taste 8/10 Palate 8/10

Port Brewing Hop 15

Pretty good aroma of resin, pine, caramel and earth but with a slight note of alcohol. Same taste with all the flavors attacking the mouth. Pretty lasting resin aftertaste.

Aroma 7/10 Taste 8/10 Palate 7/10

Summer Wine Barista

Aroma of roasted coffee, dark coffee beans and brewed coffee with maybe a hint of dark chocolate. Taste 100% of coffee and light aftertaste. Low carbonation and medium to light palate.

Aroma 6/10 Taste 5/10 Palate 5/10

Arbor Single Hop IPA Mosaic

Cloudy orange body with a long lasting white head. The body is somewhat medium. Smells like everything IPA but nothing specific with note of strawberry. Taste of some orange, some citrus, some malt, some grass, some caramel, some hops. Just a bit of everything.

Aroma 4/10 Taste 7/10 Palate 6/10

Fuller’s Past Masters Old Burton Extra (OBE)

Deep amber body, medium palate and with a thin film of foam. Smells like caramel, dark fruits and tastes the same. Plums, raisins, berries, caramel and some hops that tie the flavors together. Bitter aftertaste of medium duration and low carbonation that brings up the aromas. Has some alcohol in the aroma at the end.

Aroma 7/10 Taste 7/10 Palate 6/10

Βeer Mail from Norway

13 bottles of craft Norwegian beer in the video! Reviews are to come! 

Chios Beer Smoked Robust Porter

Black body with a nice creamy-foamy head that leaves a nice trail on the glass. The nose catches smoke, wood, a hint of dark chocolate and coffee. Same taste, more on the burnt coffee and smoked wood side, leaves the mouth acrid with coffee for some time. Nice subtle swell carbonation and medium body.

Αroma 7/10 Taste 6/10 Palate 6/10 

And a video!

Arcobräu Weissbier Hell

Cloudy orange yellow body with huge head that leaves spots on the glass. Banana, wheat, bread, and taste with some butter and a note of spice. Medium body. Aftertaste full of banana.
Aroma 6/10 Taste 6/10 Palate 5/10

Odell 5 Barrel Pale Ale

Cloudy deep orange body, thin foam head. Aroma of pine and some orange, earth. Same taste, medium body, medium to high carbonation. Very good beer.

Aroma 8/10 Taste 7/10 Palate 6/10